
Lies & Deceit must end now!


Nigeria is currently in dire straits. Urgent action is needed otherwise our dear nation might be no more.

It is time for the educated to wrestle policy decision making from Nigerian politicians, as the truth must be told…

The lie has to stop now, and the National Assembly has to live up to their responsibilities by doing the right thing. They need to revoke the 2014 National Conference and and other proposals ASAP and stop the lies, stop the deceit.

As it stands, Nigeria is NOT working, clearly visible since 1999, more so, from 2013, when the clamour across the nation was for power to go back to the northern part of the country.

The clamour for ethnic politics will forever continue with proponents, allies and sponsors scheming at every opportunity, to ensure they share the spoils of a very unfair structure.

As 2023 fast approaches, many patriotic leaders are making it known to those who listen that the 1999 constitution is a farce.

The perpetual insecurity across the land, world renowned poverty, and deficient infrastructure has to be micro managed at every level, only achievable by ceding powers from the centre, and giving it back to the people at the grassroots.

The deceit and lies has to stop for a truly great nation of different ethnic groups.

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