After a massive launch that trended at number 1 worldwide, the housemates finally found themselves together in the lounge, listening to their first of many speeches from Big Brother himself.
ou know you’re in the Big Brother house when you first hear that booming baritone intone the word, “housemates…” It was not long after the launch episode ended that the housemates received their first words from Biggie. Here’s the gist of how he kicked off this historic season. It started – fittingly – by acknowledging the efforts the housemates had made to make it even this far.
“You have been hand-picked from a highly competitive pool of applicants, and Big Brother is honoured to have you here.
“This is a unique opportunity that will test your abilities, push you to your limits, and shape your lives in ways you never thought possible. But don’t worry, Big Brother has you covered!”
After those kind words, Biggie promptly told them what he had in store.
“The next few weeks will be filled with challenging moments and difficult decisions, but – like ore getting refined to pure gold – this will be an incredibly rewarding experience
“As you embark on this expedition, Big Brother wants you to remember that this challenge is not just about winning or losing. Instead, it’s about every single facet of the experience: the highs, the lows, and everything in between.
“You will be challenged to think critically and creatively; you will have to learn to work together as you live together. It’s about pushing yourself beyond every limit you may have thought you had.
“There will be times when the obstacles before you might make you question your ability to see this through. Housemates, in those moments, remember that you are titans, and nothing can stop you.”
Biggie might have a sideline as a motivational speaker. But he quickly showed his true side – that of a person who’s hosting a bunch of strangers in his home.
“Big Brother hereby extends a warm welcome to all of you and wishes you the best of luck on this incredible journey. May the odds be in your favor, and may you emerge from this stronger than ever.
“Ziyakhala Wahala. Good evening, housemates and remember, Big Brother is always watching.”

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