
Ilebaye Odiniya receives two strikes for physically assaulting two housemates


Ilebaye, a former Level Up star and BBNaija All Stars housemate, has been given two strikes on the program for breaking many Big Brother regulations. On Sunday, August 6, 2023, Big Brother handed down the penalty after screening multiple video of Ilebaye blatantly flouting the rules in front of the housemates and viewers.

Ilebaye broke down in tears after the customary weekend party on Saturday night due to her abrupt breakup with Doyin, a Level Up coworker and confidante. The latter had met the Kogi state native earlier in the day to discuss a quarrel with an unknown flatmate. Doyin was wounded since she became embroiled in the majority of Ilebaye’s feuds although she stated she didn’t want to become involved.

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The so-called “Gen-Z baddie” didn’t think it would be enough for her to lose her buddy, especially because she thought the other women had been purposely attempting to make her appear bad. Doyin, on the other hand, made the decision to vent to Princess, Mercy Eke, and Ceec about Ilebaye’s actions. They were all in agreement that Ilebaye’s actions were strategic, and they were happy that Doyin had finally realized this.

Ilebaye accused them of attempting to sabotage her friendship after seeing the conversation with Doyin. She was then informed of all they had been talking about, and Ceec pointed out her wrongdoing. This resulted in a violent argument that was inflamed by epithets, and Ilebaye ultimately yanked Ceec’s hair, almost getting into a fight. Princess joined in to slam her as the other ladies continued to encourage her. Ilebaye momentarily grabbed her by the neck when Doyin ultimately came to tell her that she would regret her deeds.


Ilebaye has never received a strike from Big Brother before her two strikes on Sunday.The other participants in the post-party drama, CeeC and Doyin, also received penalties from Big Brother. The Monday HOH, Black Envelope, and Pardon Me Please games did not count CeeC and Doyin as contestants.

According to the Big Brother Naija rule, any housemate who receives three strikes automatically receives a disqualification and must leave the house immediately. Ilebaye is on thin ice in Big Brother’s house and any other strikes would mean an automatic disqualification.


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