
Nigeria At 63: Happy Independence Day Messages, wishes , Day Quotes


Today October 1st marks Nigeria’s Independence Day celebration, a day when the nation got its final independence from British rule. why not share in the

“Happy Independence Day Nigeria 2023!” congratulatory messages to friends family and loved ones who are citizens but away from home.

Webteam@ipledge2nigeria reports that Nigeria celebrates Independence Day every first day of October. Today being October 1st, Nigeria turns 63 years old. The West African country got its Independence from Britain.

Below are some happy Independence Day messages you can send to friends, family members, and loved ones.

1. Sovereignty of our nation has always been very important to every single one of us. Let’s celebrate this Independence Day and raise our glasses for everyone who has fought for it. Cheers!

2. A human being cannot live without freedom. We earned the right to be free and prosperous, to call this country our home. Let’s always remember everyone who fought for our peace. Happy Independence Day!

3. Today we celebrate every citizen of our country. You made our independence possible. You made this amazing life possible. Thank you for always caring for the future of our nation. Happy Independence Day!

4. Independence Day is an amazing opportunity to remind ourselves how hard we’ve worked for it. Through blood and tears, we fought for our freedom. We made our dreams a reality. Cheers to another year of independence!

5. From all of my heart I want to congratulate all people with this wonderful day. It‘s a big day for our country. Wish the best Independence Day!

6. Let’s salute our martyrs for the sacrifices they made and appreciate them for giving us today. Happy independence!

7. Independence is a special and precious gift of God. May our lives always remain independent, happy Independence Day.

8. As you celebrate this day, always have it in mind that no nation is perfect and it can only be made perfect by me and you. Happy independence, proud to be a citizen!

9. Let’s raise our hands and celebrate this day, let’s stand up so high to show respect for the great ones who died for our independence, let’s sing our national anthem with flags in hand and celebrate this wonderful day!

10. Today is the day, that our nation sings aloud, this is the day, that our liberty bells rings aloud, this is the day we shall start to remember what we truly stands for and celebrate our independence. Happy Independence Day.

11. Some people say that this day is not to be celebrated, but I often ask myself why. It’s a day which resembles a lot of happiness, because on this day we became and independent country! Happy Independence Day!

12. Being independent was the best thing that could have happened to our country. Without the final battle, we wouldn’t exist at all. That is why I’m so grateful it happened. Have a happy Independence Day!

13. Let us rejoice in happiness and indulge in celebration… Saluting them who made it possible… Who made our country stand high and mighty. Let us make them our inspiration. Happy Independence Day!

14. Freedom is priceless; you can never buy it anywhere. Remember that the freedom you enjoy now was as a result of all the fights, hustles and struggles of many of our lost soldiers. Let us remember them and pray for their souls during this Independence Day. Happy Independence Day.

15. As our flag flies free in the wind today, please take a moment to savour truly what freedom is; and at what cost it came. Happy Independence Day.

16. The struggles by our heroes for independence has not ended. We can contribute our Quota by striving for prosperity and betterment of this great country. Have a blissful independence celebration.

17. If a man takes away someone’s freedom, he no longer has his freedom as well. We need to unite and fight against people who think they have the right to own other people’s lives. Happy Independence Day! Let’s all celebrate the great Freedom!

18. Let the spirit of patriotism glow in you. Let the spirit of a true fighter reflect in all that you do. Let us remain patient and tolerant. We should stop the unnecessary killing and maiming of another. Our country is delicate and special and we need to do all we can to ensure that we keep our country sane. Happy Independence Day.

19. Other might have forgotten, But never can i,The Flag of my country Furls very high, Happy Independence day..

20. My love for my nation is worthiness. My love for my people is endless. All I desire for my country is happiness. Let me be the first person to wish you a special happy Independence Day!

21. We are proud to be part of a glorious nation… And we hoist the flag high… Sending you warm wishes… on Happy Independence Day!

22. Independence a precious gift from God. May we always remain independent.. Wishing you a safe and happy Independence Day!

23. On this day, we remember all the grief and suffering that we had to endure to achieve the long-awaited freedom, independence, and sovereignty of our country. I congratulate all the inhabitants of this beautiful country and I wish you joy, love and prosperity. I pray that peace continue to thrive in our homeland.

24. Here’s wishing you and your family the best the nation has to offer as we celebrate our country’s independence!

25. I am pleased and honored to be a part of this peaceful and free nation. Wishing everyone a safe and happy Independence Day celebration.

26. Each time I remember those who laid down their lives for this day of freedom we are celebrating, tears roll down my cheeks. I wish they were alive today to see how the country is progressing toward greatness.

27. This day means life without boundaries and limits. It’s our freedom day, our Independence Day! I wish you the very best this day. Time to celebrate!

28. Today, I celebrate with my brothers and sisters on our Independence Day. We are great people that have passed through a lot of struggles to be free. On this day, I wish everyone happiness, fun, laughter, smiles, and a cheerful spirit.

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