Over five hundred residents residing within Yaba LCDA have benefited from the Nutrition and health awareness outreach organised by the Yaba Centennial Lions Club at Iwaya Primary Health Center, Lagos at the weekend.
The beneficiaries aged 60 and above were given free diabetes screening, free blood pressure checks, free drugs and food palliatives.
Speaking at the event, Lion Tosin Olapo second vice president, and the service chairperson of Yaba Centennial Lions Club said: “Our health project is focused on diabetics, testing, and awareness. We are distributing basic drugs to people who have been identified with one or two health issues.
Explaining further, Olapo said that Lions International have eight global causes that we focus on every year from July to June every service year. We implement projects within these eight global causes which include, the vision, paediatric cancer, environment, feed the hungry, diabetics, youth empowerment and disaster relief.”
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