There have been at least seven coups led by soldiers who trained with Americans forces in Africa in recent years and the security situation only seems to be getting worse…
The national pledge ought to be something to be proud of, but in the face of widespread, multifaceted issues, Nigerians are losing their sense of citizenship and their sense of…
Nigerian Student Miss Ifeoma Amuche becomes the best graduate in a Chinese University and was called to give a graduation speech She was former student of a Nigerian High Institution,…
The national pledge should be a thing of pride but Nigerians are disenfranchised and patriotism dwindling in the midst of multidimensional problems across the length and breadth of the country.…
The national pledge should be the focus point for patriotism. How many Nigerians can recite the pledge? How many Nigerians appreciate the ethos of the pledge? The recital of the…
…Link Bridge has become a death trap-residents cry oute For residents of Ilo- Boundary Ajegunle, a border community between Lagos and Ogun states, life takes a frightening twirl, yearly when the…
The Yoruba people number over 44 million, making them the largest homogeneous people in Africa. The majority of this population (around 40 million) is located in Nigeria, where the Yoruba…